
Posts Tagged ‘Oreo Cheescake’

Oreo Milk with Oreo Cheesecake Cookie Dough

February 4, 2012 Leave a comment

I remembered way way back, there was this promotion where they would give out Oreo cookies when you purchased two pack of HL Milk. Its a bit contradictory isn’t it? Milk is supposed to give you strong bones while Oreo cookies is supposed to make you fat, which kind of explains why I grew up to be a fat kid with strong bones. I digress, but it was then that I discovered the simple joy of dunking Oreos into milk, devouring the drenched Oreo cookies and lapping up the milk like a famished kitten.

Our featured creation is a mishmash of two popular Oreo by-products; Oreo milk with Oreo cheesecake cookie dough. While we acknowledged that Cookies and Cream is a classic ice cream flavor well loved by all, we decided to let our creative juices run amok in the kitchen to bring a new meaning to Twist, Lick and Dunk.

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